
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

7 Creepy Party Games

Whether you're looking for games to play on Halloween or just some ideas for a creepy-themed party, here is a collection of fun party games I think you'll enjoy. These are some of my most favorite terrifying games to play with friends that I think will definitely send a chill up your spine. Some you might be able to play with a small group of people, but most will need a larger group to really enjoy the spooky fun.

1. Serial Killer Hide and Seek

Growing up I used to play a game called man-hunt which was basically just hide and seek in the dark. Now the name of this game basically speaks for itself and is very similar to man-hunt, but with creepy twists thrown in. This is best played at night with all the lights shut off and with at least three players. Two player works, but it's more fun the more people you have. Now the most important part of the game is how the seeker or "serial killer" plays the part. The seeker starts at the front door and counts to 30 (or you can change the time if you feel you need more, or less if you want a bigger challenge). To add creepiness the seeker can dress up in a mask or full costume and carry a fake weapon or prop.

Note: I wouldn't recommend using any real weapons as the seeker might accidentally hurt themselves or someone else. 

Here comes the fun part. The seeker then roams around the house taunting the hiders and trying to scare them out of hiding as much as possible. The more you feel like you're in a horror movie, the better. Some examples of things the seeker might say are: 
"I'm coming to get you."
"You can't hide from me forever, I'll find you."
"Come out come out wherever you are."
They can also hum or sing creepy tunes, lock doors, and do anything else they can think of to get their victims hearts racing. 

The point of the game is to role play. The seeker plays as a serial killer while the hiders play as the scared victims. You can go as in depth or as relaxed with it as you want. You can just play a creepy game of hide and seek in the dark or you can go as far as building a backstory for the murderer or even newspaper headlines, and really get into character. 

 The hiders are allowed to roam around the house and don't necessarily have to stay where they started. But if someone gets caught they must "die" in the place they were found. They are then not allowed to move for the remainder of the game. Bonus points if they act/look dead (wide dead eyes, fake blood, etc.). If the seeker touches you with their murder weapon that's considered being caught. 

Each hider carries a similar item with them such as a key, a special coin, or just something small they can carry with them. The last person left alive has a chance of winning by collecting every item from each "dead body" and making it to the front door without getting caught. You can't steal items from people who are still alive and the "dead" person can't help you find the item on their body. The hiders have to search the "corpse", so I'd recommend not putting the special item somewhere you wouldn't want them looking through. Best place I'd say to put it is in your hand or in a front pocket easy to reach.

If everyone dies the seeker is considered the winner or of course if a hider makes it to the front door with every item, they are considered the winner. You can have prizes if you wish or you can just play it for fun. This game can go on for quite a while so I'd play it if you have time to spare and if you have a house or some sort of residence all to yourself.

2. The Midnight Game

If you're a Creepypasta/horror buff like me, then you've probably heard of this game many times before. If you haven't, it's a supposed Pagan ritual used to punish those who went against the Pagan laws and principles. Now it's become a popular occult game for those risk-takers who are looking for something more than just an average scare. Although used to frighten people, it is said this ritual is actually dangerous and could not only cause mental trauma, but also possible death to those who play. 

I've always been curious about this game and have wanted to play it for sometime now, but admittedly I wimp out when I actually consider going through with it. If you're one of the brave ones willing to take the chance, there are a list of materials, steps, and rules to know before jumping into it: how to play The Midnight Man Game. If you've already read everything you need to know, and you STILL want to play, I wish you the best of luck and be sure to follow the instructions to a T, lest the Midnight Man get you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3. Pandora's Box

Or rather, Pandora's Boxes. You've probably played a game like this when you were a kid. This is a fun mystery game where you take five water-tight boxes of your choice and cut a hole in the top for a hand to fit through. Each box is filled with something different and you must keep your hand in the box for a minimum of five seconds no matter what's inside it. Three out of the five will be relatively unpleasant, one will be good, and the fifth is a surprise. You can change it up however you like, but here are some ideas to put in each box:

Uncomfortable- Generally a box like this should be filled with something not really disgusting, but just unpleasant to have your hand in. Examples could be; water and ice, or if you're feeling more daring you can put scrap metals or a mild electric shocker in the box.

Disgusting- For this box, you can put anything you find super gross to touch inside. Examples for this box include; mud/bugs, maple syrup, rotten fruits, used tea bags, egg whites to feel like snot, or different types of ground up foods. You can really use anything that's just rank or all-around awful. 

Disturbing- There are plenty of things you can use for this creepy box. You can use cooked pasta or pumpkin guts as entrails, peeled grapes or boiled pearl onions as eyeballs, or you can actually buy certain animal organs like liver or gizzards to add a realistic touch. Make sure to cover everything in fake blood and even hair from an old wig or fake fur if you want. If you're feeling adventurous you can also put a fake head inside and cover it in fake blood and pumpkin guts around the neck area to make it seem like a real decapitation.

Good- You can put any sort of goodies you can think of in this box. It can be pleasant-feeling, prizes they can take, or even candy. Some examples are; feathers, mixed candy (lollipops, chocolates, hard candies, etc.), small toys, marshmallows, soft plushies, and just anything small and pleasant.

Surprise (optional)- This box is optional but really fun if you can make it work. It requires someone being able to be underneath this box, hidden under a table, and sticking their hand through the bottom of the box. So when an unsuspecting person goes to put their hand inside, the hand underneath can then grab them. This is why it's called the "surprise" box. 

You can always mix up what types of boxes you want to use, you can have three disgusting and one good, or two good and two disturbing, or really just whatever you want. The great thing about this game is the flexibility of it. You can get real creative and make it really creepy if you wanted to. It takes a bit of work to set it up, but it's a great game to freak out your friends.

4. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

You've probably heard of this game from the movie The Craft or other films and shows. It's always been a popular activity to try at parties and sleepovers. The steps are very simple and don't require any extra materials or prerequisites. All you do is have someone lay down on their back on the floor, have other people surround their body and place their index and middle fingers underneath them, and then just chant the phrase "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a board" while slowly and magically lifting their body from the ground. You can have candles around to add ambiance, but they're not necessary. Try this game for yourself and see if it works.

5. Ouija Board

The Ouija Board has become a popular and fun way for people to communicate with the dead. To skeptics, it's taken lightly and mainly used for entertainment purposes. To others, there are considerable dangers to think about before ever even bringing one into your home. 

For many years, and still is, this "mystifying oracle" was marketed as a family-friendly game to both children and adults alike. Although, to many superstitious believers, it is more than just a game and is considered to be opening the door to the other side. Doing so, is thought to be very dangerous as you do not know exactly who you're opening the door for. Some ways to protect yourself from these unwanted spirits is to light a new, white candle, ALWAYS say goodbye at the end of a session, and it is recommended not to hold a session in your own home. 

To play this properly, you need at the very least three people, (two on the board, and one writing down what the board says) but more is definitely better. Make sure to have at least one person recording or writing down what happens because sometimes you have to decode what the spirit is trying to say.

Example: the board might spell out BDRM which would mean bedroom. 

I own a couple boards myself, but I've never been able to play them in a group because a good friend of mine absolutely hates them. But, if you and your friends do decide to play the "mystifying oracle" just be careful and follow the rules on how to play it

6. Murder Mystery

There are plenty of kits you can find to play murder mystery games, or you can make up one yourself! But if you're lazy like me, kits are the easier way to go. My personal favorite is BePuzzled's: Murder Mystery Party Games, but you can pick whichever brand you think looks the best to you. The dialog in these games is a little "out-there" and sometimes just absolutely ridiculous, but it's so much fun and my friends and I could not stop laughing. 

Like with any role-playing game, you can be as serious or as relaxed with it as you want. With my friends, we fully intended to dress up and play the parts, but ultimately we just ended up in our pajamas reading the scripts with funny accents. Regardless of what you decide to do, just be sure to have a good time and enjoy the game. 

If you'd like to make your own murder mystery, it's quite a bit of work. You need to create all the characters and assign who is to play them, plan out the story and script, send out invitations and what each character is supposed to wear, and generally anything else you think you might need for your particular party game. If you feel you have enough time, patience, and creativity to make your own, I'd say go for it! I'm sure it'll come out great, and I bet your guests will probably think you're an amazing party planner and host for doing it. 

7. Urban Legend Mirror Games

There are three different types that you can do to freak out almost anyone at your party. These games are generally played in front of a mirror in a bathroom, with the lights out, alone, and with the door locked. The rest of the guests usually stand outside the door listening and waiting for something to happen. You can bring a candle into the bathroom, but you can't turn on the lights. 

All of these are quite similar in how to play, but just vary slightly. Some are more recognizable than others, and you can just pick the one you like, or try all three!

Bloody Mary- This game has been around for ages, played in many bathrooms during sleepovers and parties. Now, basically to call upon "Bloody Mary", you stand in front of the mirror and say her name three times. You can also try spinning around three times or turning on the faucet to help lure her out.

Candyman- Very similar to Bloody Mary, you just go into the bathroom, face the mirror, and say Candyman five times. You can also place something sweet in front of the mirror such as candy or a jar of honey to coax him out. This helps because as the legend says he was killed by being covered in honey and thrown into a beehive. It also says he's angry and hellbent on revenge, so he'll rip you open from groin to sternum using his hook for a hand. (Yikes... @_@)

Blue Baby Blue- Now this is one I just recently came across. To play it, you stand in front of the mirror chanting Blue Baby 13 times whilst rocking your arms back and forth as if holding a baby. After you've chanted and the baby feels heavy in your arms, throw him into the toilet and flush, and run out of the bathroom. Although odd, you must do this or else Blue Baby's "mother" will come looking for him, and I don't think you want to be there when she does.

Have any of you tried these games? If so, how did it go? Let me know down in the comments your personal experiences and if you know of any more games that weren't on this list. (✿◠‿◠)

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