
Friday, February 19, 2016

6 Ways to Make Money Online

Through the many weeks spent trying to find a job, I ended up with almost no interviews or call-backs and just feeling completely defeated. I can't express how extremely frustrating it is for a young, introverted, shy girl with no college degree to find a decent job. As finicky as it might sound, I don't just want to work at a fast food place or retail store. So with this in mind, I felt a "work-from-home" or online job might very well be the best thing for me. The only problem was, how exactly do I go about doing that? If you're like me and don't want some regular 9-5 job or are young and struggling to find ways to make money or you're just trying to bring in more income, here is a list of online work you can try and see what works for you. The best thing about working from home is how flexible it is; you can choose how much or how little you work.

1. Surveys, Ads, & Games

These types of websites and apps aren't going to make you a lot of money fast. But if you use more than one, you're patient, and you use them regularly, you might very well bring in some fairly decent extra income. And hey, why not get paid to practically do nothing? Whenever you're bored or have some time to kill, just open up the website or app and start working!


  • Surveys On the Go
  • Money Mission
  • Quick Loot!
  • Candy Cash Click
  • Cash Rewards
  • Big Time
  • iPoll

2. Transcription

Although thought to be a pretty easy, laid-back job, it is actually more difficult than what you might think. It pays fairly well and you can pick your own hours, but it requires quite a bit of work. 30 minutes of audio might take you hours to completely transcribe depending on your experience, the quality of the audio, or how the speaker talks. Although if you have fast-typing skills and a good ear, this might be perfect for you. Most websites you apply to will need you to pass an exam first before you can begin working with them. But once you get the hang of it, you can really begin to start raking in the cash. While I made sure these websites were trustworthy, some of them don't have enough work for all the people signed up with them. So keep in mind you might be put on a wait-list before you can do any transcribing for them. 
If you enjoy writing and feel you're pretty good, why not get paid for it? There are plenty of websites that will pay you decent amounts of money for good quality work. If you have ideas, lists, articles, or anything else you want to share, there are many different websites and online magazines that will take your writings. They will need to proofread and check your work of course before it gets posted. And you may not always get accepted the first time around, but some of them might give you feedback and ways to fix it so you can resubmit. This helps you improve your writing and gives you a second chance to earn some money.
If you're looking for a little "all of the above" then you can check out freelancing sites. There you can bid on jobs you know you'd do well at or post your services for other people to find and pay you for. There are countless job openings for writing, web design, transcription, art, digital design, data entry, the list goes on and on. So essentially, if you're good at practically anything online, there is most likely someone looking for your talents and will pay you fairly well to get it done. Many people nowadays are looking into freelance/self-starter work to try to build their brand or because they want to spend more time with their families. This way you can do the things you're good at or the things you love without ever having to leave your home. 

5. Sell, Sell, Sell

Some ways to earn easy cash online fairly quickly is by selling things you don't want/use or things you make. There are plenty of different websites you can try and find your specific niche. Whether it's a painting you did or an old book you don't want anymore, there are sites and people that would want to buy it from you. Some websites are specific to the certain things they sell and buy, while others are more general and will take nearly anything. Find which selling platforms work best for you, and just keep selling.

Arts & Crafts:


General Selling Sites:

Surprisingly, not too long ago I never knew you could actually make money from blogging. It was a totally new concept for me that I just would've never guessed. Whilst researching work-from-home jobs, I came across blogging as a possible home career choice. How exactly do you make money from blogging? I thought. And just like with any website, there's multiple things you need in order to make a decent income from a blog. First and most importantly, you need good quality content. Then you need to find the right blogging platform for you, some examples include: Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, etc. Of course, then you need plenty of traffic and a loyal audience to keep coming back to view your website and posts. And finally, you need ways to monetize it. There are countless things you can do to to earn money from your blog. Most, if not all, of these will only be really useful to you if you have a decent flow of traffic to your site. So focus on building good content and followers before jumping into monetization. If you're ready to start earning money, then here are a few ways you can do so with your blog.

Ads- Ads are definitely one of the easiest ways to make money, but also the least efficient. You need to have thousands of people viewing and clicking on your ads to see any considerable amount of money come from it. But with that in mind, if you do have enough traffic, you're essentially making money without doing anything. So I'd suggest having a few ads here and there on your blog, but don't overdue it. 

Affiliate Programs- This is considered a better way of making money via your blog. How it works is you sign up for a company's affiliate program (it could be any sort of place that sells something such as Amazon), they give you a special link to post and then they track whoever clicks it, and then if that person buys the product, you get a commission from it. Simple as that. You pick who you affiliate with and decide what products your audience will most likely purchase.

Services- If you have a special service or knowledge that you feel is of value to others, you can sell it through your blog. Such as, if you have somewhat of a crash course in any particular field, you can have people buy a subscription for your special information that isn't available to non-paying consumers. This can be good for people who have a lot of knowledge and enjoy teaching and helping others.

Products- Like services, you can also sell your own products. If you make crafts or have written your own eBook, you can promote it and sell it on your blog. Depending on how popular your blog and product is, you could be making some serious income if it goes viral. The only problem with blogging or selling as a primary source of income is that the amount of money you make a month varies. You could be making thousands of dollars one month and then barely a thousand the next. But if this is what you want to do, be consistent, be efficient, and just be passionate about what you do. 

Did you find these tips helpful?

What kind of programs do you use to make money online?

If you want to share your experiences with these programs, or if there was something I missed, please let me know down in the comments. (✿◠‿◠)

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